What Will You Learn?

This course is aimed for founders who need help getting investment ready and looking for expert help on their pitch decks /business plans/market validation and SEIS/EIS Advance Assurance.

  • Module 1: BP & Pitch Decks

  • Module 2: Your MVP & Research

  • Module 3: Deep Dive Into Your Financials

  • Module 4: What do early stage investors look for?

  • Module 5: SEIS/EIS Advanced Assurance

  • Module 6: Building your network & Working with Advisors

  • Bitesized Videos

    You will have access to high quality videos featuring our expert founder, Kevin R Smith accompanied by exciting explainer videos that will walk you through important business concepts.

  • Digital Downloads

    To support your learning you will have access to various downloadable PDFs. These will often included templates and exercises for you to use as you move through the course.

  • Touch Points

    You will be invited to join a discussion forum with fellow peers. This can also be used as a touch point for you to ask us any questions about the material. At the end of each course you will receive a certificate of completion - Share your success and hard work with your network!

Ready To Start?

Begin your journey to investment readiness with BOOM & Partners.